General Blog Posts
A Simulation Color Table for Engineers with Color Vision Deficiency
Simulation results often use color to present data and emphasize certain takeaways, but what about engineers with color vision deficiency? Cividis is a color table designed specially for this.
3 Examples of Equation-Based Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics®
What are the benefits of using equation-based modeling in your simulations? Here are 3 examples that demonstrate the use of this functionality.
How to Build Geometries from Elevation Data to Model Irregular Shapes
Say you want to build an irregular geometry of a mountain. You can do so by creating a surface of an irregular shape based on elevation data stored formats such as text, image, or DEM files.
Keynote Video: Using COMSOL Server™ for Product Development
Watch an engineer in the materials science industry discuss the use of simulation applications and COMSOL Server™ to accelerate and optimize his company’s product development workflow.
Introducing COMSOL® Software Version 5.3a
COMSOL Multiphysics® and COMSOL Server™ version 5.3a include updates to both the core functionality and add-on modules, including the Cividis color table and extended copy-paste capabilities.
What Happens If I Use 2 Different Unit Systems in 1 Simulation?
Using 2 different unit systems for 1 project has led to historical disasters. Fortunately, you can use different unit systems in your simulation without issues by using the COMSOL® software.
How to Model Optical Anisotropic Media with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Erasmus Bartholinus first observed the optical effect of birefringence in 1669. Today, you can observe this effect with a specialized modeling approach for optical anisotropic media.
Multiparameter Optimization with a Least-Squares Objective
Learn how to estimate parameters using multiparameter optimization, which will automatically adjust your model based on an underlying data file of experimental parameters.