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CAD Import & LiveLink Products for CAD Blog Posts

How to Import an ECAD Geometry for Printed Circuit Board Design

July 3, 2017

We demonstrate how to import an ECAD geometry into COMSOL Multiphysics® for the design of a printed circuit board. The example features an actual PCB geometry from a company in the industry.

Studying Stress in Threaded Pipe Fitting Designs from CAD Assemblies

May 30, 2017

Threaded pipes are durable, reliable, and resistant to damage from heat and stress. You can combine a CAD assembly of a threaded pipe with a COMSOL Multiphysics® analysis to study its design.

Analyzing the Mechanical Performance of a Tricycle Frame Design

April 19, 2017

Tricycles have 3 wheels and countless uses due to their extra support and load capacity. Design a tricycle that meets safety requirements by analyzing its mechanical performance.

Designing a Sensor Package for a High-G Accelerometer via Simulation

March 28, 2017

To design a piezoresistive sensor package for a high-G accelerometer, researchers turned to multiphysics analysis. They then verified the simulation results with experimental data.

How to Analyze Beam Sections Using the Beam Section Calculator

February 28, 2017

Simulation applications can be used as utility tools to compute the properties and parameters of a component or device. In this example, the application analyzes beam section geometries.

How to Analyze Your SOLIDWORKS® Designs with an App

November 24, 2016

Combining the power of a CAD design tool with a simulation app in the same modeling environment enables the simulation to work with both in synchronicity. Learn how to do so here.

AltaSim Uses Simulation to Improve Bolometer Sensitivity

June 15, 2016

Bolometers can be used to detect and measure the power of incident electromagnetic radiation. To efficiently design bolometers with increased sensitivity, AltaSim Technologies used simulation.

Which Module Should I Choose for Working with My CAD Data?

April 14, 2015

We go over which add-on module or LiveLink™ interfacing product is best for your modeling scenarios involving CAD data. Get a comprehensive overview here.