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Modeling a Pencil Beam Scanning Nozzle Used for Proton Therapy
In proton therapy, an energetic beam of protons is used to deliver ionizing radiation to the treatment area. Learn how particle tracing simulation can be used to help advance this treatment.

Happy Birthday, Edward Condon
Edward Condon made many contributions to quantum mechanics, designed the Nimatron, and explored whether UFOs could be of extraterrestrial origins. Learn more about his work here.

Analyzing the “Muscles” of a Robotic Manta Ray
Robotic manta rays allow scientists to gather data for marine biodiversity studies. Find out how simulation can be used to analyze the “muscles” of these soft robots.

Happy Birthday, Mary Anderson
During a snow storm in the early 1900s, Mary Anderson rode in a streetcar and noticed how difficult it was for the trolley driver to see where he was going. This observation led to the invention of the windshield wiper.

Model Variations of a Comb-Drive Tuning Fork Rate Gyroscope
Explore 3 gyroscope models to see the benefits of equation-based modeling, how modeling can capture the impact of manufacturing variations, and more.

5 Inventions Discovered by Accident
Did you know the modern smoke alarm was discovered by accident? Learn more about this finding and 4 other important inventions from throughout history that were made as a result of accidents.

Modeling Electromigration in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Computers, smartphones, and other devices rely on integrated circuits. Over time, an interconnect can experience damage due to electromigration. Explore how to model this phenomenon here.

Understanding Different Types of Interaction Curves
What would be the effect if you combine 2 or more independent sources? In this blog post, we introduce interaction curves and discuss how they can be used to help answer this question.