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Yield Surfaces and Plastic Flow Rules in Geomechanics

October 16, 2014

Have you noticed that offshore structures are being constructed in deeper and deeper waters? See how geotechnical engineers are using numerical simulations to cope with this trend.

Modeling Reacting Flow in Porous Media

October 15, 2014

This blog post and embedded tutorial video demonstrate what inputs are required and what results you can obtain when modeling a porous reactor in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Ada Lovelace Day, Celebrating Women in STEM

October 14, 2014

October 14 is recognized in the scientific community as Ada Lovelace day, named after Ada Lovelace, one of the first computer programmers. The day is meant to celebrate women in STEM.

Learning with Technology: 3D Printing in the Classroom

October 13, 2014

As 3D printers become more affordable to the average consumer, more and more teachers are starting to use these devices within their classrooms to teach students about additive manufacturing.

Blue LEDs Recognized with 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics

October 10, 2014

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to a team of scientists from Japan and the U.S. for their work in developing blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for more efficient lighting.

Accounting for Heat in the Design of Lithium-Ion Batteries

October 9, 2014

Heat transfer is an important phenomenon to consider when designing a lithium-ion battery. See how multiphysics simulation can help ensure a safe and efficient Li-ion battery design.

RFID Tag Read Range and Antenna Optimization

October 8, 2014

A guest blogger from Continuum Blue, a COMSOL Certified Consultant, shares a numerical modeling example for radio-frequency identification (RFID) applications.

Understanding Parallel Computing

October 7, 2014

Q: Do you use parallel computing to run your COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations? If so, you may enjoy this conceptual overview of computers and the algorithms used by the COMSOL® software.

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