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Analyzing a Loudspeaker Array with a Bessel Panel Benchmark Model

July 23, 2018

Engineers can design optimized loudspeaker arrays and other acoustics systems by analyzing a benchmark model of a Bessel panel system like the one featured in this blog post.

Predicting the Stability of Rotor Systems with the COMSOL® Software

July 20, 2018

Instability in a rotor system can lead to catastrophic failure. Fortunately, engineers can predict the stability of rotor systems by performing stability analyses with the Rotordynamics Module.

Happy Birthday, Hendrik Lorentz

July 18, 2018

Hendrik Lorentz won the Nobel Prize for his work in electron theory, but that only one of the many contributions he made to theoretical physics, electromagnetism, and optics.

How to Analyze a Glacier via Gradient-Based Optimization

July 17, 2018

This post highlights a gradient-based optimization method that geophysical engineers can use to analyze, for instance, the movement and sensitivity of a glacier.

Investigating a Three-Port Ferrite Circulator Design with RF Simulation

July 13, 2018

Get a quick introduction to microwave circulators and modeling them with the RF Module. The featured example is a three-port ferrite circulator.

Evaluating a Turbocharger Design with Rotordynamics Analysis

July 11, 2018

Like a “turbocharged” cup of coffee, an actual turbocharger also increases speed, but in the operation of a combustion engine, not how fast your morning cup wakes you up.

Happy Birthday, Jacob Perkins

July 9, 2018

Jacob Perkins was an American inventor and mechanical engineer. Most notably, he’s responsible for an appliance that we all have in our kitchens: the refrigerator.

Optimizing Thermal Processes in Carbon Manufacturing with Simulation

July 5, 2018

A guest blogger from SGL Carbon GmbH demonstrates how his organization uses heat transfer simulation to optimize thermal processes in carbon manufacturing.