COMSOL Client 6.3

Version, January 23, 2025

COMSOL® Client for Windows® is a free tool used to connect to COMSOL Server™ and run applications natively in the Windows® operating system. You must be able to connect to an instance of COMSOL Server™ to run apps using COMSOL® Client. You can also use it to connect to COMSOL Server™ from MATLAB®, if you have a COMSOL Server™ license with LiveLink™ for MATLAB®. This client cannot be connected to, or work together with, an installation of COMSOL Multiphysics®. Furthermore, COMSOL® Client for Windows® is needed to run apps built using any of the LiveLink™ for CAD programs, or to include ribbons in your app interfaces. Alternatively, apps can also be run within all popular web browsers without the need for installing COMSOL® Client for Windows®.

Windows® 64-bit    

COMSOL® Client for LiveLink™ for MATLAB® is a free tool available for macOS and Linux®. You can use it to connect to COMSOL Server™ with LiveLink™ for MATLAB®.

macOS and Linux®    

If you are looking to download and install either COMSOL Multiphysics® and its client or COMSOL Server™, please click here.