Counting Particle Types at Outlet for Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow feature

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Hi, I am simulating a microfluidic spiral channel. I have used the particle tracing feature and inputting 3 types of cells; Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC), Red Blood Cells (RBC) and White Blood Cells (RBC) according to their own particular size and density. CTC - 15 um - 1077 kg/m3 WBC - 10 um - 1080 kg/m3 RBC - 6 um - 1110 kg/m3

The results are well, showing the particle separating and eventually CTCs are separated from the RBCs and WBCs. Majority of CTCs ending up in outlet 1 while RBCs and WBCs end up in outlet 2. However, is there a proper way for me to tabulate a graph showing the types of cells and number of cells at the outlet? I do not want to tabulate the graph showing total number of cells as I want to distinguish between the number of CTCs, RBCs and WBCs at both outlets.

I have reviewed this blog: But it shows methods to count total number of particles and not specifying the different particles.

0 Replies Last Post May 11, 2024, 12:25 p.m. EDT
COMSOL Moderator

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