Including Accents in Axis Label

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I want to label one the y-axis of a plot I have created in comsol . I found this post here which says that you should be able to include a tilde accent over a variable simply using "\tilde". However, when I try to type "\tilde{P}" in the x-axis label box, the output is "~{P}". Similarly, if I remove the curly brackets, then it just appears as "~P". How do I actually get the tilde directly over the variable P?

Please note also that I am trying to do this in the axis label not a title label. I also tried following the advice in this link here where they say you can start Latex math mode using either "[" followed by "]" or "/$" followed by "/$". When I try the first, nothing appears at all and when I try the second, everything appears exactly as written; i.e. if I try "/$ \tilde{x} /$" then the output is "/$~{x}/$". Can anyone please let me know how to figure this out?

1 Reply Last Post Sep 26, 2024, 1:17 p.m. EDT
Edgar J. Kaiser Certified Consultant

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Posted: 12 hours ago Sep 26, 2024, 1:17 p.m. EDT

I found that this [\tilde{P}] works in a plot title, but not in an axis label. Maybe Latex is not possible in axis labels.

Edgar J. Kaiser
emPhys Physical Technology
I found that this \[\tilde{P}\] works in a plot title, but not in an axis label. Maybe Latex is not possible in axis labels.


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