Field lines penetrating through conductors in 2D electrostatics simulation

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Hi all,

I'm seeing unexpected behavior in a basic 2D electrostatics simulation. Setup:

Top electrode: Straight line with center gap (set to 100V)
Bottom electrode: Parabolic curve f(x) = ax² (set to Ground)
Air domain between electrodes

Issue: Electric field lines are penetrating through the conductor surfaces, particularly:

Going straight through the bottom curved electrode
Curving up beyond the top plate surface

This seems physically incorrect - field lines should terminate perpendicular to conductor surfaces. Am I missing a key boundary condition or material property to properly define these as perfect conductors?

Currently using:

Electrostatics physics interface
Ground condition boundary condition on bottom curve
Electric Potential boundary condition (100V) on top lines

I have attached a picture of the plot which shows this issue. The field lines are clearly penetrating through the top and bottom conductors.

Any insights on how to fix this unwanted field penetration would be appreciated!

1 Reply Last Post Jan 18, 2025, 3:52 a.m. EST
Edgar J. Kaiser Certified Consultant

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Posted: 2 months ago Jan 18, 2025, 3:52 a.m. EST
Updated: 2 months ago Jan 18, 2025, 3:55 a.m. EST

Hi Tom,

there aren't any conductors in an electrostatic model. Conducting surfaces are defined by boundary conditions. The conductor domain must not be part of the model.

I recommend to attach pictures in a format that doesn't require a converter. I am not opening your file.

Cheers Edgar

Edgar J. Kaiser
emPhys Physical Technology
Hi Tom, there aren't any conductors in an electrostatic model. Conducting surfaces are defined by boundary conditions. The conductor domain must not be part of the model. I recommend to attach pictures in a format that doesn't require a converter. I am not opening your file. Cheers Edgar


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