Modeling Room Acoustics Using Hybrid Pressure Acoustics and Ray-Tracing Methods
Application ID: 108781
This model shows one approach for obtaining a broadband impulse response by combining ray-tracing and finite element methods. The combination is done all within COMSOL® and uses idealized filters. In this example, the simulation results are further compared to an analytical solution in a simple room with low to moderate wall absorption.
The low frequency, modal behavior of rooms can be modeled using Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain. However this approach becomes computationally expensive at high frequency due to mesh requirements. The high frequency, reverberant behavior of rooms can be modeled using acoustic ray tracing. While this is typically computationally efficient, ray tracing is not a wave based method which will not capture modal behavior. To accurately model the response of a room, both simulations can be run in their respective frequency ranges and combined to obtain the response over the entire frequency range.
Learn more about this model in the blog post "Modeling Room Acoustics Using a Hybrid Approach".

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