Finite Element Simulation of Love Wave based SAW Delay Line Using COMSOL Multiphysics
The paper presents 3D finite element simulation of Love wave based SAW delay line using COMSOL Multiphysics software. The device consists of a 36° YX Lithium Tantalate substrate covered with 4.7 μm thick SiO2 waveguide layer operating at λ = 12 μm. Time response study is used to calculate the output voltages and normalized displacements in the device. The shear-horizontal wave nature of Love wave is confirmed from the result that in-plane shear horizontal displacements are much larger compared to vertical displacements. Impulse response is used to compute the insertion loss of the delay line. Thin PMMA layer is used to simulate mass loading on the device. The Love wave device offers a phase mass sensitivity of 83.22 m2/kg which is consistent with previously reported values.

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