All posts by Andrew Strikwerda

How to Couple a Full-Wave Simulation to a Ray-Tracing Simulation
Learn how to couple full-wave and ray-tracing simulations in a model with a nonhomogenous domain around the antenna. Part 4 of a series on multiscale modeling in high-frequency electromagnetics.

How to Couple Radiating and Receiving Antennas in Your Simulations
Learn how to couple radiating and receiving antennas in your simulations by using the scattered field formulation. Part 3 of a series on multiscale modeling in high-frequency electromagnetics.

2 Methods for Simulating Radiated Fields in COMSOL Multiphysics®
2 ways to model radiated fields: the Far-Field Domain node and the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface. Part 2 of a series on multiscale modeling in high-frequency electromagnetics.

Introduction to Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics
Here’s an introduction to performing multiscale analyses of antennas and communication systems. Part 1 of a series on multiscale modeling in high-frequency electromagnetics.

Comparing Two Interfaces for High-Frequency Modeling
When it comes to high-frequency electromagnetics modeling, which interface is better? We compare the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain and Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interfaces.

Model Cables and Transmission Lines in COMSOL Multiphysics
Learn how to compute the parameters of a coaxial cable from a COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation of the electromagnetic fields.

Should We Model Graphene as a 2D Sheet or Thin 3D Volume?
Graphene is a 2D sheet of carbon atoms that is 1 atomic layer thick. However, is graphene actually 2D or is it just incredibly thin, like a very fine piece of paper? How should it be modeled?