All posts by Brianne Christopher

Simulating Antenna Crosstalk on an Airplane
The last airplane you flew aboard most likely had multiple antennas on its fuselage. This creates crosstalk between antennas that can disturb the operation of the aircraft. RF simulation can help.

Studying the Airflow Over a Car Using an Ahmed Body
The Ahmed body is a benchmark model widely used in the automotive industry for validating simulation tools. We discuss simulating airflow over an Ahmed body to optimize automotive aerodynamics.

Tears of Wine and the Marangoni Effect
Have you ever noticed that when drinking a glass of wine, sometimes “tears” fall down in the inside of the wine glass? This is the Marangoni effect in action! Learn more and see examples…

Simulating Injection Mold Cooling
Injection molding is the most common form of polymer manufacturing because large amounts of products can be produced quickly. By simulating this process, we can avoid defects in these products.

Happy Birthday, Gustav Kirchhoff
Gustav Kirchhoff is known for his contributions to the study of spectroscopy, electrical circuits, and thermochemistry. Learn more about the German physicist here.