All posts by Caty Fairclough

Happy Birthday, Marie Curie
Did you know that Marie Curie coined the word “radioactive”? We discuss the life, work, and accolades of this Nobel Prize-winning scientist.

Optimizing a Tunable Organ Pipe for Ocean Acoustic Tomography
Read about a scientist from Teledyne Marine Systems who used simulation to improve a tunable organ pipe design and then compared the results to experimental tests.

Analyze a Vacuum Dryer’s Speed with Multiphysics Modeling
Vacuum drying is often used to dry heat-sensitive materials such as food and pharmaceuticals. Here, we showcase a model that simulates the vacuum drying of a wet cake.

Top Papers and Posters from the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston
100+ engineers and researchers presented their work at the COMSOL Conference 2016 Boston. Read about the top papers and posters here.

Analyze a Mixer’s Design Elements with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Industrial mixers are used in the production of food, pharmaceuticals, and plastic. You can design a mixer geometry to fit your specific use case with simulation…

Soft Robotics Enables Flexible Robot Designs to Take Shape
Fun fact: Insects and ocean-dwelling creatures often inspire researchers’ soft robot designs. Read about 3 examples here.

Reduce the Fan Noise of a Turbofan Aeroengine with Simulation
Noisy turbofan engines are often used to power commercial airplanes. You can reduce their noise pollution with the help of acoustics modeling…

Rotordynamics Fosters the Design of Reliable Rotating Machines
Rotating machinery is an important element in many structures. The analysis of rotating machinery, rotordynamics, can help engineers reduce noise and vibrations in many areas of technology.