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All posts by Caty Fairclough

Making a Recipe for the Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg with Simulation

March 31, 2016

In a physics course at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), students investigate the science behind cooking the perfect soft-boiled egg using simulation and real-world experimentation.

Creating an App to Prevent Buckling in a Truss Tower Design

March 21, 2016

A simulation app can be used to calculate the critical compressive load for different truss tower configurations. We demonstrate such an app, which can be used as inspiration for your own, here.

Newtecnic Creates Better Building Façades with Simulation

February 16, 2016

Engineers at Newtecnic use COMSOL Multiphysics® to balance elements such as stability, efficiency, and comfort when creating building façades that are both eye-catching and functional.

Efficiently Study Noise Distribution in a House with an App

February 11, 2016

Simulation apps can be used by those with little knowledge of simulation to run their own acoustics analyses. Learn about one example, the One-Family House Acoustics Analyzer, here.

Studying the Swimming Patterns of Fish with Simulation

January 4, 2016

Researchers from the Università Roma Tre used simulation to study the carangiform swimming pattern of certain fish, the dynamics of which can be used to design aquatic vehicles and robots.

Testing the Safety of Reinforced Concrete Beams with an App

December 17, 2015

The Parameterized Concrete Beam demo app is based on a model of a reinforced concrete beam. It can be used to easily compute the beam’s deflection and axial stress over a range of parameters.

The Loudspeaker Celebrates 100 Years of Use and Influence

December 10, 2015

Did you know that December 10, 2015 marked 100 years since the first public display of a loudspeaker? Explore the device’s rich history and simulation’s role in advancing its design…

Analyzing a Novel Pin Fin Microchannel Design with Simulation

December 7, 2015

Researchers at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of Central Florida created a novel pin fin design and analyzed its heat transfer efficiency with COMSOL Multiphysics®.