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All posts by Caty Fairclough

Studying a Dielectric Probe Used for Skin Cancer Diagnosis

November 9, 2015

Noninvasive tools like dielectric probes are a promising method for diagnosing skin cancer as early as possible. Learn about how simulation can be used to analyze their functionality and safety.

Photos from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston

October 26, 2015

The COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston brought together simulation engineers for training, presentations, industry talks, and more. Check out photos from the event and see if you can find yourself!

Investigating Wireless Power Transfer with Simulation

October 21, 2015

Some wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies must be oriented in a certain way to ensure proper performance. Simulation can be used to study and optimize these devices.

Exploring the Venturi Effect

October 19, 2015

The Venturi effect: As a fluid flows through a constructed area of a pipe, its velocity increases and its static pressure decreases. Learn more about this effect and its application areas.

COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston Award Winners

October 15, 2015

Topics of the award-winning papers and posters from the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston include everything from food science and electronic devices to plasma research and IED detection.

Multistudy Structural Optimization of a Bracket

September 11, 2015

Weight reduction is a key focus in the automotive industry, where lightweight materials equal more fuel-efficient cars. Here, we perform a multistudy structural optimization of 1 component.

Focusing on an Electrowetting Lens

August 31, 2015

Simulation can be used to test different viscosity values and analyze the physics of electrowetting lenses, such as those used to change the view angle of cameras.

Simulating a MEMS-Based Pressure Sensor Inspired by a Cave Fish

August 17, 2015

Oceanic inspiration: Researchers from the PSG College of Technology in India used numerical simulation to investigate a pressure sensor design inspired by the blind Mexican cave fish.