All posts by Emily Ediger

Happy Birthday, Emmy Noether
During a time when women were not welcome in STEM fields, Emmy Noether made many significant contributions to modern mathematics, including abstract algebra and an invariant theorem.

Happy Birthday, Ida Noddack
Ida Noddack was one of the “element hunters” trying to fill the gaps in Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table. In the process, she codiscovered rhenium, but that’s not all she’s known for…

Happy Birthday, Dmitri Mendeleev
2019 marks the 150-year anniversary of Dmitri Mendeleev’s discovery of the periodic table of chemical elements. Learn more about the Russian chemist behind one of science’s most useful tools.

Happy Birthday, Berta Karlik
Berta Karlik helped discover the naturally occurring version of element 85, astatine. She was also the first woman to teach at the University of Vienna.

2019: The International Year of the Periodic Table of Elements
To celebrate an essential organizational tool in the scientific community, the United Nations named 2019 the International Year of The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

Keynote Video: Simulating the Drying of Cellular Foods
How about them (dried) apples? Empa uses multiscale modeling to analyze the dehydration of soft cellular food products, such as dried fruit, and scale their processes for mass production.