All posts by Magnus Ringh

Adding Information to Materials in User-Defined Material Libraries
Want to add information to materials in user-defined material libraries? Learn how to do so in 6 steps here.

Using LaTeX to Add Mathematical Expressions to Plot Titles
Interested in adding mathematical expressions to your plot titles? As of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.2, this is now possible. Learn how here.

The Heat Is On: Modeling Temperature Distribution in a Sauna
How long does it take for a dry sauna to heat up? Here, we use heat transfer and fluid flow modeling to find the answer.

Using the Expression Operator in COMSOL Multiphysics®
What’s the difference between an expression operator and an analytic function? Find out in this blog post and see an example of an expression operator in action.

Getting the Stats: Computing Standard Deviations and Other Statistical Quantities
Here’s a comprehensive intro to computing and visualizing statistical quantities in COMSOL Multiphysics® .

Add a Full State-Space Feedback Controller to a Control System Model
Get a brief overview of full state feedback, learn how to use the State-Space Controller add-in, and get a demonstration of implementing the add-in using a mass-spring-damper system example.

Generating Microsoft® PowerPoint® Slideshows from Your Models
Did you know that you can generate slideshow presentations of your model results in the Microsoft® PowerPoint® format as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.6?

Using the Material Libraries in COMSOL Multiphysics®
The built-in material libraries are databases with materials and their associated properties, while the add-on Material Library contains material properties for more than 3800 materials.