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COMSOL Now Blog Posts

Learn About Structural Corrosion Modeling from NRL

August 19, 2013

Structural corrosion modeling has long been considered a tough problem to solve. The combination of coupled physics effects and metal shape change pose quite a computational challenge. Fortunately, engineers have found that multiphysics software brings a solution. A great example of this is coming up at the COMSOL Conference 2013 Boston this fall, when Dr. Siddiq Qidwai from the Naval Research Laboratory will take the stage and let us in on how to properly model structural corrosion.

New Approach to Electronics Cooling Using a Corona Discharge

August 16, 2013

You may be familiar with the humming start of the mechanical fan that turns on when booting up your laptop computer. Such a fan is necessary to prevent electronic devices from overheating, and the accompanying whirring sound of the cooling system is an unavoidable side effect. As electronic devices become smaller, this mechanical fan must decrease in size as well, and therefore spin faster and faster in order to deliver the same amount of heat dissipation as a larger fan. […]

Lam Research on Simulation of Wafer Fabrication and Moore’s Law

August 5, 2013

We have come to take for granted the ever-increasing performance gains in computational power. Enabled by advances in semiconductor processing techniques, we reap the benefits from exciting new features in everything from smartphones to workstations. The good news for all of us is that the semiconductor industry is steaming ahead, relentlessly pushing the limits of wafer fabrication. Each year, a new generation of sophisticated fabrication equipment is developed. Features etched on silicon are now at the atomic scale. In the […]

Hear About Designing Efficient Appliances from Mieletec FH Bielefeld

July 30, 2013

In 1898, Carl Miele and Reinhard Zinkann founded the Miele company. Since then, it has grown into one of the world’s foremost producers of household appliances, including washing machines and cooking devices for both domestic and professional use. Miele has created a joint research laboratory, mieletec, with the University of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld, Germany. There, the foundations are being laid for the next generation of resource and energy efficient household appliances. This October, you have the chance to hear […]

ETREMA to Talk About Transducer Design using Smart Materials

July 26, 2013

Julie Slaughter and her team at ETREMA Products are in the enviable position as the sole U.S. provider of the smart material Terfenol-D, and developer of products based on this material. Terfenol-D is said to produce giant magnetostriction that boasts strains 100 times higher than traditional magnetostrictive materials, such as iron. Just imagine the possibilities of applications harnessing this amazing material property. If you’re attending the COMSOL Conference in Boston this October, you will hear ETREMA talk about transducer design […]

Past, Present, and Future of 3D Printing

July 11, 2013

There are many necessary steps required in order to create a superior product. Based on some initial (or existing) design, you first need to evaluate the physical characteristics of the system. Once some level of understanding of the system has been obtained, it should then be possible to refine and optimize the design based on some reasonable choice of a figure of merit for a good design. The final stage is to prototype the design, which is where 3D printing […]

Report from the Joint CAA-ASA Acoustics Conference

July 8, 2013

Last month, the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA) held the 21st joint meeting of the International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) in Montreal, Canada. This joint congress is one of the major acoustics conferences of 2013, featuring a range of parallel sessions that covered most topics in acoustics. These included, among other things, psycho acoustics, underwater acoustics, transducer modeling, acoustics of musical instruments, nonlinear acoustics, and many more. This year’s acoustics conference also featured a […]

Keynote Speaker from Philips to Talk about Pulmonary Drug Delivery

July 4, 2013

Philips Research Laboratories, located in Eindhoven, is often considered to be an incubator of ideas. The prestigious institute has traditionally been the core of all new product developments at Philips, and many of their forefront discoveries were made here. In October, Senior Scientist Alwin Verschueren of Philips Research Laboratories will hold a keynote talk on pulmonary drug delivery at the COMSOL Conference Rotterdam 2013.