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COMSOL Now Blog Posts

The Graphene Revolution: Part 4

May 2, 2013

Graphene can be created by way of thermal decomposition at high vacuum. In order to design and optimize these high-vacuum systems engineers might look to simulation, but there are currently not many modeling tools that are up to the task. Let’s have a look at how vacuum systems are relevant to graphene production, why you should simulate them, and how.

IEEE Spectrum Puts the Spotlight on Multiphysics

April 29, 2013

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is doing some really cool things for its members. Chances are that you have attended their top rated conferences, downloaded papers from IEEE Xplore, or participated in one of many local chapter events. For electrical engineers like me, IEEE certainly is a rock to lean on for continued education and to connect with colleagues from around the world. Even if you are not a member you can tap into IEEE resources such […]

Smart Materials Innately Transduce Energy, How Smart

March 29, 2013

Smart materials are able to convert one form of energy to another. These materials can be either solid or fluid, and are typically located within what’s called a smart structure. What makes these materials and structures so “smart”? Let’s find out.

The Graphene Revolution: Part 2

March 27, 2013

In a previous blog entry I discussed some of the exotic properties of graphene. The fact that graphene consists of a single layer of atoms means the aspect ratio of any graphene-based structure may be very high. High aspect geometries present their own array of modeling challenges.

How to Model Multiphysics in Multimaterial?

March 25, 2013

Dr. Raj Thiagarajan is a prolific producer of interesting research articles ranging from waste-water treatment to acoustics metamaterials, and lots in between. As the Managing Director at ATOA (“Atom TO Application”) Scientific Technologies, a COMSOL Certified Consultant, Raj has had to simulate all types of applications. Now he will show you how to use multiphysics simulations in multimaterial and composite product design.

Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics, a Book to Get you Started

February 28, 2013

What does it take to get started using COMSOL Multiphysics? Of course, it depends on where you set the bar. However, grasping the workflow and handling the basic tools can be relatively easy to pick up. To make this process even smoother, first-time users will benefit from the recent major update of the COMSOL Multiphysics instruction manual. The book, Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics, is a valuable tool for learning COMSOL simulation software and the new version is now available for […]

When Marshmallows Become Rock-hard

February 25, 2013

A while back, I bought a bag of marshmallows, indulged a bit, and then forgot about the opened bag for a few weeks. To my surprise, and disappointment, when my marshmallows cravings returned the top ones were rock-hard while the bottom ones were almost as soft as when I bought them. Why was this the case? By leaving the bag open, water had migrated from the marshmallows into the air.

Boosting COMSOL’s Cooperation with Siemens PLM Software

February 19, 2013

In April last year, we entered into a partnership with Siemens PLM Software and started developing the functionality that would connect COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations to Solid Edge® CAD modeling. Siemens gave us access to their tool, and we were quick in developing LiveLink™ for Solid Edge® as part of the version 4.3a release. This project led to boosting our cooperation with Simens PLM Software, as we had already implemented Parasolid® to be an integral part of the CAD Import Module […]