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COMSOL Now Blog Posts

Using Simulation Software in the Courtroom

June 17, 2019

Simulation is inherently a representation of reality. In court, lawyers establish what did or did not happen in reality and why. So what happens when simulation software is used in a legal case?

COMSOL Multiphysics® Version 5.4 Named 2018 Product of the Year

June 14, 2019

We’re raising a glass in celebration: Tech Briefs magazine presented COMSOL with a 2018 Readers’ Choice Product of the Year award for COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.4 and COMSOL Compiler™.

Keynote Video: Improving Process Understanding with Applications

May 30, 2019

When an organization’s research spans across many industries, consistent product quality becomes the name of the game. That’s why Huntsman Advanced Materials turned to simulation applications.

Simulation Applications Enable Digitalization at ABB Traction Motors

February 26, 2019

Here’s a real-world example of optimizing R&D processes with COMSOL Server™: At ABB Traction Motors, engineers use simulation applications to analyze CFD and heat in electric motor designs.

Keynote Video: Optimizing Cable Systems via Simulation

January 28, 2019

The length of cable for a mode of transportation depends on the amount of passengers, so a car uses ~5 km of cable and a cruise ship uses ~5000 km. Learn more about cable system design here.

Keynote Video: EPFL Uses Simulation to Design a Hyperloop Pod

January 22, 2019

The EPFLoop team used multiphysics simulation to design the aeroshell, pressure vessel, and braking system of their hyperloop pod for the SpaceX 2018 competition. Get an inside look here.

Keynote Video: Enhancing STEM Education with Simulation

January 14, 2019

Ivana Milanovic uses simulation to teach undergraduate students in her science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses, as she explains in her COMSOL Conference 2018 presentation.

Keynote Video: Simulating the Drying of Cellular Foods

December 25, 2018

How about them (dried) apples? Empa uses multiscale modeling to analyze the dehydration of soft cellular food products, such as dried fruit, and scale their processes for mass production.