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Electromagnetics Blog Posts

Analyzing Magnetic Flowmeters for Blood Flow Measurement

November 24, 2017

Biomedical researchers used multiphysics modeling in order to understand how blood vessel movement influences the sensitivity of their flow meter designs. Get the full story here.

Focusing on Einzel Lenses with Particle Tracing Simulation

November 15, 2017

You can use electrostatics analysis and charged particle tracing to better understand einzel lens systems and optimize their designs.

Analyzing Time-Domain Reflectometry for 2 Electrical Designs

October 23, 2017

Here are 2 examples of analyzing the signal integrity and time domain reflectometry in electrical devices: a high-speed interconnect and a set of parallel microstrip lines.

Simulating Extraordinary Optical Transmission at Terahertz Frequencies

October 20, 2017

One potential approach to improving medical imaging, quality assurance, and other terahertz applications is extraordinary optical transmission, a process that can be studied with RF simulation.

Analyzing Kelvin Probe Designs with COMSOL Multiphysics®

October 4, 2017

Kelvin probes, a type of MEMS technology, provide a nondestructive and contact-free way to measure the work function differences of various material combinations.

Improving IFE Target Fabrication with a Droplet Microfluidics Method

September 29, 2017

A common joke is that fusion energy is 30 years away, and always will be. Researchers are using simulation to tackle the challenges involved with of inertial fusion energy target production.

Analyze the Electrodynamics of a Magnetic Power Switch via Simulation

September 21, 2017

The AC/DC Module can be used to simulate electrodynamic devices, such as magnetic power switch circuit breakers. Follow along with this discussion to study the working principles of the device.

Silicon Photonics: Designing and Prototyping Silicon Waveguides

September 19, 2017

John Tyndall tried to control the most visible form of energy, light, using 2 buckets and some water. Today, there is a more advanced device for this purpose: a silicon waveguide.