Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Blog Posts

Simulating the Thermocompression Bonding of an Underfill Adhesive
Underfill adhesives are often used in microelectronics to hold different components together. Simulate the thermocompression bonding process of such an adhesive to ensure its effectiveness.

Finding the Ideal Thickness for the Insulation of a Pipeline
Pipelines need to be properly insulated in order to transport products like petroleum and natural gas across long distances. Use COMSOL® to find the ideal thickness for a pipeline insulation.

Simulating Cancer Cell Migration in Microgravity with COMSOL®
Researchers used multiphysics simulation to determine how microgravity effects the migration of metastatic cancer cells. Their results could have new implications for therapy and treatments.

How to Model Supersonic Flows in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Learn about the different types of sonic flow and how to calculate the angle and Mach number of a shock wave in order to model the supersonic flow around an object, such as a diamond airfoil.

Comparing 2 Approaches for Modeling Electronic Chip Cooling
We go over 2 modeling approaches for electronic chip cooling problems. 1 way models the solid parts and a Convective Cooling boundary condition, while the other option includes an air domain.

Efficiently Analyze Acoustic Streaming with Multiphysics Modeling
Acoustic streaming is when sound waves are used to generate steady fluid motion. You can use multiphysics modeling for an efficiency way to analyze this phenomenon.

Modeling Aeroacoustics with the Linearized Navier-Stokes Equations
Get a comprehensive introduction to aeroacoustics modeling, as well as the linearized Navier–Stokes equations and how to implement them in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Investigating the Behavior of an Ancient Organism with CFD Simulation
Researchers used CFD simulation to study the behavior of an ancient organism called the Parvancorina in order to learn more about the ecosystem of the Ediacaran period, 635–541 million years ago.