Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Blog Posts

Simulating the Art of Swing Bowling in Cricket
The swing bowling move in cricket is as much an art form as it is an athletic feat. Researchers at the COMSOL Conference 2015 Boston simulated the fluid mechanics of conventional swing bowling.

Exploring the Venturi Effect
The Venturi effect: As a fluid flows through a constructed area of a pipe, its velocity increases and its static pressure decreases. Learn more about this effect and its application areas.

How to Calculate Mass Conservation and Energy Balance
Ever wonder how to compute the mass conservation of a fluid flow simulation, or the energy balance of a conjugate heat transfer simulation? If so, keep reading >>

Evolving into a Better Design: Humans and Technology as One
Read about how the concept of constructal law applies to the joint evolution of humans and technology in this blog post about a keynote talk from the Conference of the Academia Europaea 2015.

Simulating Viscous Heating in a Fluid Damper
Fluid dampers are able to dissipate mechanical energy into heat through a process called viscous heating. You can simulate this process to optimize your fluid damper designs.

Intro to Optimizing Mixer Design by Creating an App
By building a simulation app to study mixer designs, you can easily test the influence that the vessel, impeller, and operational conditions have on the design’s mixing efficiency.

How Do I Compute Lift and Drag?
Analyzing lift and drag is an important task in many industries, such as automotive and aeronautics. Learn some different ways to compute lift and drag in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Describing the Behavior of a Thermal Mass Flow Sensor
Researchers from the University of Cambridge analyzed the dynamics of a thermal flow sensor, a component of a flowmeter, with a 3D model. Get the full story >>