Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Blog Posts

Estimating Pi Using the Monte Carlo Method and Particle Tracing
We take a popular way to estimate the value of pi, the Monte Carlo method, and add particle tracing simulation to the process for a fun way to visualize the results.

How Well Do Mosquito Traps Work? Observing Their Effectiveness with Particle Tracing
Are you a mosquito magnet? For fun, let’s explore whether mosquitoes prefer mosquito traps or human skin with equation-based modeling.

How to Compute Residence Time in Flow Models with COMSOL®
You can compute residence time in flow problems using the Particle Tracing Module. Get the details in this blog post.

How to Analyze Turbomolecular Pumps with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Modeling gas flow in a turbomolecular pump calls for specialized numerical methods, because at such low pressures, the gas molecules rarely collide with each other.

What Formulation Should I Use for Particle Tracing in Fluids?
The COMSOL® software gives you 4 equation formulation options when modeling particle tracing in fluids: Newtonian; Newtonian, first order; Newtonian, ignore inertial terms; and Massless.

Speeding Up DNA Separation in a Microchannel via Simulation
DNA separation takes a long time using traditional methods. Now, researchers from the Missouri University of Science and Technology have found a faster way to get the job done.

Keynote Video: Designing Improved Heart Pumps with Simulation
Abbott Laboratories designed “the most complex machine ever implanted into a human being” — an LVAD for heart failure patients — using multiphysics modeling. The result? Saved lives.

Evaluating Static Mixer Performance with a Simulation App
In this blog post, we go over the setup of an app designed to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the performance of a static mixer using the Particle Tracing Module.