Equation-Based Modeling Blog Posts

Solving Delay Differential Equations to Model…Marmots?
As of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.3, it’s possible to model delay differential equations. Explore this functionality in the context of a whimsical example.

How Well Do Mosquito Traps Work? Observing Their Effectiveness with Particle Tracing
Are you a mosquito magnet? For fun, let’s explore whether mosquitoes prefer mosquito traps or human skin with equation-based modeling.

Forming New Ideas with Generative Design in COMSOL®
Pencils were invented in the 16th century and erasers in the 18th century. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that erasers were attached to pencils in the typical design we know today.

Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?
Why do golf balls have dimples? Can I model a golf ball with COMSOL Multiphysics? Can I use simulation to optimize my shot and make a par? Find answers to these questions and more…

Micromagnetic Simulation with COMSOL Multiphysics®
A guest blogger from Fudan University in China used the Physics Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics to create a “Micromagnetics Module” for performing micromagnetic simulations.

How to Model Metabolic Reaction Networks with COMSOL®
Certain ice creams, puddings, and candies have an extremely vivid yellow color that comes from vitamin B2. The manufacturing of this supplement is one example of a metabolic reaction network…

Combining Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Data Filtering
In a follow-up to our previous blog post on data filtering, we demonstrate how to implement adaptive mesh refinement and a Helmholtz filter for a thermal model with a nonuniform heat load.

Using Data Filtering to Improve Model Performance
Want to include experimental data in your model as a load or boundary condition, but the data varies over space or time and is noisy? Try implementing data filtering, such as a Helmholtz filter.