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Mesh Blog Posts

Create Geometry from an Imported Mesh

November 24, 2014

Did you know that as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.0, imported meshes can easily be converted into solid geometry objects for further investigation and modeling capabilities?

Size Parameters for Free Tetrahedral Meshing in COMSOL Multiphysics

January 30, 2014

COMSOL Multiphysics® has 9 built-in size parameter sets when meshing. In this blog post, we’ll discuss size parameters for 1 of these sets: free tetrahedral meshing.

Using Adaptive Meshing for Local Solution Improvement

December 27, 2013

One of the perennial questions in finite element modeling is how to choose a mesh. We want a fine enough mesh to give accurate answers, but not too fine, as that would lead to an impractical solution time. As we’ve discussed previously, adaptive mesh refinement lets the software improve the mesh, and by default it will minimize the overall error in the model. However, we often are only interested in accurate results over some subset of the entire model space. […]

Meshing Considerations for Nonlinear Static Finite Element Problems

December 10, 2013

As part of our solver blog series we have discussed solving nonlinear static finite element problems, load ramping for improving convergence of nonlinear problems, and nonlinearity ramping for improving convergence of nonlinear problems. We have also introduced meshing considerations for linear static problems, as well as how to identify singularities and what to do about them when meshing. Building on these topics, we will now address how to prepare your mesh for efficiently solving nonlinear finite element problems.

Meshing Your Geometry: When to Use the Various Element Types

November 4, 2013

In a previous blog entry, we introduced meshing considerations for linear static problems. One of the key concepts there was the idea of mesh convergence — as you refine the mesh, the solution will become more accurate. In this post, we will delve deeper into how to choose an appropriate mesh to start your mesh convergence studies for linear static finite element problems.

How to Identify and Resolve Singularities in the Model when Meshing

October 29, 2013

In our previous post on Meshing Considerations for Linear Static Problems, we found that, in the limit of mesh refinement, the solution to the finite element model would converge toward the true solution. We also saw that adaptive mesh refinement could be used to generate a mesh that would have smaller elements in regions where the error was higher, rather than simply using smaller elements everywhere in the model. In this post, we will examine a couple of common pitfalls […]

Meshing Considerations for Linear Static Problems

October 22, 2013

In this blog entry, we introduce meshing considerations for linear static finite element problems. This is the first in a series of postings on meshing techniques that is meant to provide guidance on how to approach the meshing of your finite element model with confidence.

How to Implement a Mesh Refinement Study

August 6, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, I led a webinar on postprocessing and visualization features in COMSOL Multiphysics. This webinar was very popular among COMSOL users, so I wanted to follow up with a blog post to highlight one of the important topics we covered — performing a mesh refinement study in COMSOL Multiphysics.