Modeling Tools & Definitions Blog Posts

Keynote Video: Rapid Prototyping for Sonar Systems
Engineers at Northrop Grumman follow a 4-part rapid prototyping design phase: Design, manufacturing a prototype, testing and design verification, and manufacturing of the final design.

How to Run COMSOL Multiphysics® from the Command Line
Did you know that you can run repeated variations of the same COMSOL Multiphysics® model file from the command line — and automatically export data?

Accelerating Model Convergence with Symbolic Differentiation
Whenever you set up and solve a nonlinear problem in COMSOL Multiphysics, a symbolic differentiation engine is automatically used to ensure high robustness and accelerate model convergence.

Implementing a Damage Evolution Law for a Hyperelastic Material
By implementing a physically motivated damage evolution law for a hyperelastic material, you can incorporate material softening, creep, and stabilization of hysteresis curves during cycling.

Estimating Hyperelastic Material Parameters via a Lap Joint Shear Test
For rubber, polymers, and biological tissue, the relationship between stress and strain is nonlinear, even at small loads. The lap joint shear test can be used to determine material properties.

How to Use the Sketch Tools in COMSOL® to Draw 2D Geometry
Did you know that you can interactively draw and edit geometry right within the Graphics window in COMSOL Multiphysics®? Learn how to use Sketch mode with step-by-step video demonstrations.

How to Use State Variables in COMSOL Multiphysics®
As of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.5, you can use state variables to track the state of your model; affect other fields, such as material properties; and even implement hysteresis.

Material Characterization by Means of Simulation
Carbon-based materials, such as synthetic specialty graphites, are found in many industries, including solar, semiconductor, car manufacturing, ceramics, and metallurgy.