Modeling Tools & Definitions Blog Posts

Using Radial Basis Functions for Surface Interpolation
Did you know that you can easily calculate the interpolation between a set of points using a simulation app? Learn more here and download a demo app for design inspiration.

Accessing Nonlocal Variables with Linear Extrusion Operators
In some modeling scenarios, you may need to transfer variables from one region of a computational domain (the source) to another (the destination). This can be done with an extrusion operator.

Implementing a Thermostat with the Events Interface
Hot or cold? You can use the Events interface in COMSOL Multiphysics® to implement a basic on-off thermostat in your model for controlling a heat load. Get a demonstration of how to do so here.

Dedicated Multiphysics Node Introduced in COMSOL 4.4
To make it easier and more transparent to define models involving multiple physics phenomena in COMSOL, a separate Multiphysics node has been added as a new feature in COMSOL version 4.4. The Multiphysics node gives you control over the couplings for thermal stress and electromagnetic thermal effects involved in your models. Future versions will include further multiphysics couplings through the Multiphysics node in addition to the multiphysics couplings methods already available since previous versions.

Video Tutorial: Introducing the New User Interface in COMSOL 4.4
Each COMSOL release aims to create a better modeling experience for our users, usually in the form of new add-on modules and new functionality in existing products. COMSOL 4.4 brings you all that, but it also includes another significant change: a brand new user interface (UI). The new UI contains a ribbon at the top of the interface (for our Windows® users) to make your modeling easier and faster. The ribbon gives you direct access to the functions you would […]

Philosophy of the Ribbon
Over the past few years, Microsoft® has introduced updates to the user interface (UI) for its Office programs. Microsoft® Office 2013 is all about being touch-screen friendly, and Microsoft® Office 2007 brought the Ribbon interface. The Microsoft® Ribbon was designed to be easier to use than the nested drop-down menus of yore. These days, it’s what we’re used to seeing when working with their tools — and we’ve come to appreciate the ease-of-use, guidance, and clear workflow overview it provides. […]

User Tip: All About Icons
I give a lot of COMSOL workshops — about 20 so far this year. These are great events and they include hands-on minicourses, which allow me to connect with the audience. One topic that I often spend a few minutes on might surprise you: icons. The icons, especially those found at the nodes in the Model Builder, are packed with useful information. They’re easy to miss because they’re small, but knowing what they mean can be a big help.
Including Operators and Expressions in a Multiphysics Simulation Is Easier Than You Think
As most skilled COMSOL users, I am sure you know that you are not limited to just selecting what is in our drop-down lists. Say that you have invented your own measure of structural stress. You want it to be equal to the quadratic mean of the Tresca and von Mises stresses. Go to Plot Parameters to find out what these predefined stresses are called (trescasmsld and misessmsld if you are modeling in 3D with the Structural Mechanics Module). Now […]