General Blog Posts

Design and Customization of Composite Materials Using a Simulation App
Homogenization can be used for the design of versatile materials. Here, we introduce a simulation app that can be used for composite material design and material homogenization.

New Course on Building Geometry in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Explore an overview of our Learning Center course on building both simple and complex geometries in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Introduction to the Composite Materials Module
Explore the Composite Materials Module, an add-on to COMSOL Multiphysics® that includes specialized functionality for modeling layered composite structures.

Maximizing Eigenfrequencies with Shape and Topology Optimization
Mechanical resonance can cause fatigue problems in machines. See how to mitigate unwanted resonance with shape and topology optimization.

Using LaTeX to Add Mathematical Expressions to Plot Titles
Interested in adding mathematical expressions to your plot titles? As of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.2, this is now possible. Learn how here.

Shape and Topology Optimization of Step Thrust Bearings
Step thrust bearings support axial loads in rotating machinery. Learn how to maximize the load capacity of these bearings with shape and topology optimization.

How Well Do Mosquito Traps Work? Observing Their Effectiveness with Particle Tracing
Are you a mosquito magnet? For fun, let’s explore whether mosquitoes prefer mosquito traps or human skin with equation-based modeling.

Building a Metalens Design App with COMSOL Multiphysics®
Here, we explore how to build a simulation app for reflective metalens design, which can easily be compiled into a standalone app.