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General Blog Posts

Using General Extrusion Operators to Model Rotation

January 14, 2015

You can use the General Extrusion operators in COMSOL Multiphysics® to simulate rotating objects exposed to loads. A common real-world example of this is rotisserie-style foods.

Introducing Nonlinear Elastic Materials

January 9, 2015

Examples of nonlinear elastic material models: Ramberg-Osgood, Duncan-Chang, Hardin-Drnevich, Power law, and more. We discuss how to apply nonlinear elastic materials in your analyses.

Geometry Modeling in Simulation Apps

January 8, 2015

See how to use cumulative selections and geometry parts when creating simulation apps that can be used to model geometries based on parameterized CAD models.

Implementing the Weak Form in COMSOL Multiphysics

January 6, 2015

In Part 2 of our series on the weak form equations, we demonstrate how to implement and solve these equations numerically using COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Visualizing Fluid Flow with Streamline Plots

December 29, 2014

As part of our blog series on postprocessing, we demonstrate the use of streamlines to visually describe fluid flow in your simulations. Learn how with an example of flow through a pipe elbow.

Maximum Evaluations on Parallel Sections

December 24, 2014

Postprocessing trick: You can evaluate and plot the maximum, minimum, average, or integration value of any variable at various parallel sections along the axial coordinate of your model.

Fillet Away Your Electromagnetic Field Singularities

December 18, 2014

Did you know that you can use fillets and chamfers in your electromagnetics models to avoid electromagnetic field singularities? Learn how in this tutorial blog post.

Electroplating Simulations for Printed Circuit Board Designers

December 17, 2014

The manufacture of a printed circuit board (PCB) often involves a process called electroplating, which can vary from design to design. A simulation app can make it easy to analyze this process.