Simulation Apps Blog Posts
How to Create an App with CAD Import and Selections
What if you want to create an app with CAD import functionality and interactive selections, but you don’t know any programming? The Form Editor in the Application Builder lets you do just that.
Modeling the Spread of COVID-19 with COMSOL Multiphysics®
From susceptible to exposed and infected to recovered: See how numerical modeling can help us understand the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it spreads.
7 Reasons Why COMSOL Customers Are Using Simulation Apps
Collaboration. Quick answers. Freed up resources. See what else these seven COMSOL® users like about simulation apps.
Efficiently Distribute Lightweight Compiled Applications
Have you ever tried to send an email but the attachment was too large? COMSOL Compiler™ has an option that reduces the file size of standalone applications for more efficient distribution.
Samsung Amps Up Loudspeaker Designs with Simulation
Some organizations reach success and then shift the goal post. Take Samsung, for instance: Although they lead the market for televisions and smartphones, they set their eyes on another goal…
Recursion and Recursively Defined Geometry Objects
Broadband antennas and metamaterials are 2 fields of engineering in which recursively defined geometry objects are a useful modeling capability. Writing methods makes this task easier.
Optimizing Lubricated Systems with Numerical Simulation
Experts at SIMTEC designed a lubricated mechanical contact using numerical modeling and built an application for optimizing the use of lubrication in rolling and sliding bearings.
COMSOL Multiphysics® Version 5.4 Named 2018 Product of the Year
We’re raising a glass in celebration: Tech Briefs magazine presented COMSOL with a 2018 Readers’ Choice Product of the Year award for COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.4 and COMSOL Compiler™.