Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts
Why Sounds Travel Farther at Night
Why do sounds travel father at night? In this blog post, we answer this question with COMSOL Multiphysics® and its ray-tracing method.
Sound-Absorbing Boundaries: Local vs. Extended Reaction
Room acoustics simulation is a key part of designing a comfortable acoustic environment in a room. Explore the features in the Acoustics Module that are well-suited for room acoustics simulation.
How to Test Numerical Material Models in COMSOL Multiphysics®
Understanding the physical behavior of a material can be achieved with material models. Get an in-depth introduction to testing material models in COMSOL Multiphysics® here.
Exploring the Partial Fraction Fit Functionality in COMSOL Multiphysics®
A guest blogger from Acculution ApS gives a comprehensive look at how he is using the Partial Fraction Fit function, introduced in COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.2.
Modeling an Acoustic Trap: Thermoacoustic Streaming and Particle Tracing
Acoustic traps are used in a range of biomedical applications for manipulating cells and particles. See how an acoustic trap can be simulated in COMSOL Multiphysics® here.
Modeling the Differential Quenching of a Katana
In this in-depth blog post, you’ll learn how to build a model of a katana using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and simulate a differential hardening process to explore some of its features.
Modeling Tensegrity with a Floating Table
Physics or magic? At first glance, this piece of furniture looks like it is floating in midair. Let’s take a closer look and marvel at the engineering.
Preconditioning of Surface-Mount Devices for Reliability Testing
Explore how modeling and simulation can be used to analyze the thermal stress and hygroscopic swelling of a surface-mount device through the 3 preconditioning stages.