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Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Finding the Best Way to Make Crêpes with Fluid Dynamics Research

November 6, 2019

The recipe for the perfect crêpe calls for flour, eggs, milk, sugar, butter, and…simulation? Fluid dynamicists used simulation to solve the optimal coverage problem for crêpe making.

10 Real Uses of COMSOL Multiphysics® in the Power Industry

October 16, 2019

Minimizing transformer noise, planning underground cable networks, and managing a power grid. Keep reading for more real-world examples in which simulation is used in the power industry.

Modeling a Double-Tuning-Fork MEMS Gyroscope

October 10, 2019

Piezoelectric rate gyroscopes and similar MEMS devices offer an affordable way to measure angular velocity in applications such as skid control and rollover detection in automobile systems.

Analyzing the Acoustics of a Head and Torso Simulator

September 6, 2019

Acoustics engineers designing hearing aids, cellphones, and headphones can perform standardized measurements faster and cheaper with simulation, as shown in this example.

How to Use Solver Suggestions in Acoustics Modeling

August 30, 2019

When you model large, industry-scale acoustics, ever find it challenging to efficiently solve the problem with the hardware at hand? Enter the solver suggestions in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

The Importance of Thermal Radiation in Your Models

August 23, 2019

Conduction and convection tend to get more attention from simulation engineers, but radiation plays an important role as well. Learn how (and why) to account for thermal radiation in your models.

Samsung Amps Up Loudspeaker Designs with Simulation

July 29, 2019

Some organizations reach success and then shift the goal post. Take Samsung, for instance: Although they lead the market for televisions and smartphones, they set their eyes on another goal…

Optimizing Lubricated Systems with Numerical Simulation

July 11, 2019

Experts at SIMTEC designed a lubricated mechanical contact using numerical modeling and built an application for optimizing the use of lubrication in rolling and sliding bearings.