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Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Is That a Ghost? Vibroacoustic Explanations for False Poltergeists

October 31, 2017

Creepy sounds are often misinterpreted as paranormal activity, when in fact, they can be explained with vibroacoustics, mechanical resonance, and attenuating sound.

Predicting How Long Coffee Stays Warm in a Vacuum Flask

October 26, 2017

Do you use a vacuum flask to keep your coffee or tea warm? Try simulating the natural convection cooling in one of these containers to see exactly how long your beverage will stay warm.

What Is the Physics Behind a Counterweight Trebuchet?

October 11, 2017

A counterweight trebuchet, a siege weapon commonly seen in movies set in the Middle Ages and fantasy worlds, also happen to be an interesting multibody dynamics problem.

Analyzing Kelvin Probe Designs with COMSOL Multiphysics®

October 4, 2017

Kelvin probes, a type of MEMS technology, provide a nondestructive and contact-free way to measure the work function differences of various material combinations.

Evaluating the Effect of Shell Thickness on Muffler Performance

October 3, 2017

Guest blogger Linus Fagerberg from Lightness by Design follows up a previous post with a discussion of one design consideration for the radiated sound in a muffler design: shell thickness.

Studying the Thermal Performance of Phase Change Materials

September 18, 2017

Certain building materials, like plaster, are enhanced with phase change materials (PCMs) to assist in keeping buildings cool in the summer and warm in the winter. But how effective are they?

Predicting the Sound Emission of a Muffler Design via Simulation

September 14, 2017

Cars with subpar mufflers are annoyingly loud. Guest blogger Linus Fagerberg from Lightness by Design discusses a novel, simulation-based approach to predict noise generation in muffler designs.

Using Simulation to Study Ultrasound Focusing for Clinical Applications

August 31, 2017

Guest blogger Thomas Clavet of EMC3 Consulting discusses the simulation of ultrasound focusing via phased array and geometrically focused probe designs for clinical uses.