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Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Benchmark Shows Valid Results for a Piezoelectric Transducer Design

September 7, 2016

We walk you through the Composite Piezoelectric Transducer tutorial model: a benchmark model for ultrasonic transducer simulation and good starting point for simulations of SAW and BAW filters.

Using Simulation to Ensure the Cooling Efficiency of Refrigerated Trucks

September 6, 2016

To transport food, vaccines, and other perishables, refrigerated trucks are designed to maintain a cold temperature. Using simulation, researchers analyzed the cooling efficiency of such trucks.

How to Reuse a Deformed Shape as a Geometry Input

September 1, 2016

Let’s say you deform a shape in your model (say, by applying a mechanical load to a thin piece of metal) and want to use this deformed object as part of a new geometry construction. How?

Studying Bioreactor Landfills to Solve a Growing Trash Problem

August 26, 2016

How are researchers using heat transfer and chemical reaction simulations to help solve the world’s growing trash problem? Get the details here.

Compressibility Options and Buoyancy Forces for Flow Simulations

August 22, 2016

Here, we cover the various formulations for fluid flow equations in COMSOL Multiphysics® and when it’s best to use each option.

How to Build Gear Geometries in the Multibody Dynamics Module

August 17, 2016

You can use the built-in, highly parameterized gear parts in the Part Library to build a wide range of parallel and planetary gear trains for analysis in the COMSOL® software. Learn how here.

Optimizing the Hydration Operation in the Thermal Processing of Dates

August 16, 2016

To optimize the hydration process for dates, a team of researchers turned to experimental studies and simulation analyses. Learn more here.

Design an App to Efficiently Model the Flash Method Procedure

August 15, 2016

The flash method is widely used to measure the thermal conductivity of materials. The Flash Method demo app can be used to perform a numerical simulation of the flash method procedure.