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Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Obtaining Material Data for Structural Mechanics from Measurements

February 23, 2015

Linear elastic, hyperelastic, nonlinear elastic, plasticity, creep, concrete: COMSOL Multiphysics® contains a number of built-in material models for structural analyses. Get an intro >>

Implementing a Thermostat with the Events Interface

February 19, 2015

Hot or cold? You can use the Events interface in COMSOL Multiphysics® to implement a basic on-off thermostat in your model for controlling a heat load. Get a demonstration of how to do so here.

Evaluating the Instability of a Space Arc Frame

February 18, 2015

Picture the Louvre Pyramid in France: This is a real-world example of a space arc frame. Simulation can be used to evaluate instability in this type of structure.

Using Degeneracy Breaking to Design a MEMS Biosensor

February 12, 2015

Researchers from Newcastle University in the U.K. used simulation to investigate the effects of material and geometric symmetry breaking in a degenerate mode sensor. Get the full story >>

How to Compute the Acoustic Radiation Force

January 29, 2015

Did you know that objects can actually be moved by sound? This effect is called acoustic radiation, and it is an acoustophoretic phenomenon that can be analyzed in the COMSOL® software.

Cloaking Advancements for Flexural Waves in Elastic Plates

January 22, 2015

A European research group discovered a theoretical framework to both overcome the limitations of cloaking and achieve exact cloaking for flexural waves in Kirchhoff–Love plates. Get details >>

Improving the Power of Optical Systems via Component Design

January 21, 2015

Adaptive optics are used to improve the power of optical systems — beyond the obstacles imposed by the optical medium. See examples and learn how to model adaptive optics systems.

Simulating Vibration and Noise in a Washing Machine

January 15, 2015

When designing a washing machine, you must account for a nonuniform distribution of clothing during operation. Simulation can be used to analyze vibration and noise in this household device.