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Structural & Acoustics Blog Posts

Powerful Packaging for Electronics in Extreme Environments

May 16, 2014

U.S.-based Arkansas Power Electronics International is designing power packaging for improved thermal management in power electronics devices, increased efficiency, and lower costs.

The Electromechanical Response of a Brake Design

May 13, 2014

A guest blogger from Continuum Blue demonstrates what the consultancy can do for clients in the electromechanical brake field by modeling the electromechanical response of a brake design.

How to Model Stresses and Strains in COMSOL Multiphysics

May 12, 2014

Want to learn how to model stresses and strains in COMSOL Multiphysics®? This blog post contains an embedded video that will demonstrate the process in under 5 minutes!

Video: Mechanical Analysis Accelerates Time-to-Market

May 2, 2014

“The more precise and explicit your simulations of mechanical parts and assemblies are, the less chance for product failure and delayed manufacturing runs.” Learn more in this blog post & video.

Modeling Thermal Fatigue in Nonlinear Materials

May 1, 2014

2 challenges when simulating fatigue in nonlinear materials: 1.) Correctly representing the material behavior and 2.) finding a fatigue model that captures the life-controlling mechanism.

Natural Frequencies of Immersed Beams

April 22, 2014

A guest blogger from Veryst Engineering demonstrates the modeling of a cantilever beam immersed in a fluid to study its natural frequencies. Read it here >>

What Kinds of FSI Problems Can COMSOL Multiphysics Solve?

April 14, 2014

We discuss the various techniques for modeling fluid–structure interaction (FSI) in the COMSOL® software, as well as highlight the add-on modules you need for these various types of analyses.

Modeling the Hydrostatic Pressure of a Fluid in a Deformable Container

April 9, 2014

Picture a water balloon being compressed at the center. As you squeeze the balloon, the locations of the highest point and depth of fluid change, altering the hydrostatic pressure distribution.