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Structural Mechanics Blog Posts

Veryst Combines Material Testing and Simulation for Reliable Results

March 11, 2019

Simulation helps companies develop the best designs. Understanding material behavior plays a key role in generating accurate simulations. Here’s how Veryst combines testing and FSI simulation.

Performing a Multiphysics Analysis of a Thermal Microactuator

March 8, 2019

To design an optimized thermal microactuator for use in a specific device, you need to account for tightly coupled electrical, thermal, and structural phenomena in your analysis.

Designing Heating Circuits with Multiphysics Simulation

February 12, 2019

The electronic message boards you see on the highway contain heating circuits. Their design is a truly multiphysics problem involving heat transfer, structural mechanics, and electromagnetics.

Analyzing an Arterial Self-Expanding Stent with COMSOL Multiphysics®

February 6, 2019

Interested in bioengineering? Read this overview of a self-expanding arterial stent modeled in COMSOL Multiphysics® with an implemented shape memory alloy material.

Paper Mechanics and the Benefits of Modeling Paperboard Formation

January 31, 2019

Get a quick introduction to paper mechanics before guest blogger Eric Linvill discusses modeling a L&W bending resistance test piece for cost-benefit analyses in paperboard production.

How to Perform Structural Analyses Using Shock Response Spectra

January 30, 2019

Mechanical engineers: Learn how to find shock response spectra, use combination methods for eigenmodes, perform missing mass correction, and display your results with the COMSOL® software.

Improving Fire Protection for Structures via Building Physics Simulation

January 29, 2019

“I didn’t know there was a fire drill scheduled for today,” you say to a colleague. “There isn’t,” they respond. Then you smell smoke. Continue the story in this blog post on building physics.

Keynote Video: EPFL Uses Simulation to Design a Hyperloop Pod

January 22, 2019

The EPFLoop team used multiphysics simulation to design the aeroshell, pressure vessel, and braking system of their hyperloop pod for the SpaceX 2018 competition. Get an inside look here.