Structural Mechanics Blog Posts

The Physics of Tennis Racket Sweet Spots
Whether you’re a tennis pro or new to the courts, you might enjoy this blog post examining the physics behind the “sweet spots” of a tennis racket.

New Simple Mechanical Cloaking Technique
Researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology developed a simple mathematical technique for designing mechanical cloaks using numerical modeling. Get details here.

The MTC Builds a Simulation App to Optimize 3D Printing
Engineers at the Manufacturing Technology Centre built a simulation app to efficiently analyze an additive manufacturing technique known as shaped metal deposition. Read the full story…

Simulating a Valveless Micropump Mechanism
Valveless micropumps are integral to many microfluidic systems. Simulation can be used to study the fluid–structure interaction occurring in these components to improve their performance.

Modeling Linear Elastic Materials – How Difficult Can It Be?
Get an intro to the theory and application of the linear elastic material model, isotropy/anisotropy, allowable values for material data, incompressibility, and geometric nonlinearity.

Fitting Measured Data to Different Hyperelastic Material Models
Want to fit your experimental data to different hyperelastic material models? You can with the Optimization interface in COMSOL Multiphysics®, which lets you fit a curve to multiple datasets.

Protecting Aircraft Composites from Lightning Strike Damage
Some aircraft have a protective coating to mitigate damage from lightning strikes. Boeing used multiphysics simulation to evaluate thermal stress and displacement in this layer.

How to Model Hygroscopic Swelling
Hygroscopic swelling occurs in various sectors of industry, from wood construction and paper to electronics and food processing. Learn how to model this phenomenon in COMSOL Multiphysics®.