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Structural Mechanics Blog Posts

The Motions and Mechanics of a Truck-Mounted Crane

February 27, 2015

The Truck Mounted Crane tutorial model analyzes the forces on the cylinders and hinges of a crane during an operating cycle, combining multibody dynamics and structural analyses.

Obtaining Material Data for Structural Mechanics from Measurements

February 23, 2015

Linear elastic, hyperelastic, nonlinear elastic, plasticity, creep, concrete: COMSOL Multiphysics® contains a number of built-in material models for structural analyses. Get an intro >>

Evaluating the Instability of a Space Arc Frame

February 18, 2015

Picture the Louvre Pyramid in France: This is a real-world example of a space arc frame. Simulation can be used to evaluate instability in this type of structure.

Simulating Vibration and Noise in a Washing Machine

January 15, 2015

When designing a washing machine, you must account for a nonuniform distribution of clothing during operation. Simulation can be used to analyze vibration and noise in this household device.

Introducing Nonlinear Elastic Materials

January 9, 2015

Examples of nonlinear elastic material models: Ramberg-Osgood, Duncan-Chang, Hardin-Drnevich, Power law, and more. We discuss how to apply nonlinear elastic materials in your analyses.

Biomechanical Model Evaluates Human Response to Vibrations

December 31, 2014

Take a look at a biomechanical model of the human body in a sitting posture, which can be used to analyze how vibrations (like those from a moving vehicle) affect different parts of the body.

New Piezoelectric Modeling Interface in COMSOL 5.0

December 30, 2014

As of version 5.0 of COMSOL Multiphysics®, there is a new interface for simulating piezoelectric devices; it has predefined features that make it easy to set up and run a piezoelectric model.

How to Obtain Fatigue Model Parameters

December 26, 2014

2 challenges when modeling fatigue: 1.) selecting a suitable fatigue model for your application and 2.) obtaining the material data for the selected model.