Today in Science Blog Posts

Happy Birthday, Edward Condon
Edward Condon made many contributions to quantum mechanics, designed the Nimatron, and explored whether UFOs could be of extraterrestrial origins. Learn more about his work here.

Happy Birthday, Mary Anderson
During a snow storm in the early 1900s, Mary Anderson rode in a streetcar and noticed how difficult it was for the trolley driver to see where he was going. This observation led to the invention of the windshield wiper.

5 Inventions Discovered by Accident
Did you know the modern smoke alarm was discovered by accident? Learn more about this finding and 4 other important inventions from throughout history that were made as a result of accidents.

Happy Birthday, Douglas Engelbart
At a time when computers used punch cards for quantitative tasks, Douglas Engelbart envisioned a future of sharing information to solve complex human problems.

The Science Behind Preserving Museum Ships
Managing corrosion and decay are just 2 of the challenges associated with preserving historic vessels. Learn about the approaches that are being used to help keep these ships true to their best-known design.

Happy Birthday, Olive Dennis
Olive Dennis developed a variety of innovations for passenger trains, such as: reclining seats, ceiling lights, and dressing rooms. Learn more about her creations for improving railway travel here.

Happy Birthday, Johannes Rydberg
In 1888, Johannes Rydberg devised the Rydberg Formula, which is used to determine the wavelengths of photons that are emitted by changes in the energy level of an electron in a hydrogen atom. Learn more about his life and work here.

Happy Birthday, Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy is known for inventing a steam engine lubrication system. But did you know that he also filed 57 other U.S. patents, including a lawn sprinkler designed to look like a turtle?