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Today in Science Blog Posts

Happy Birthday, Elsie Eaves

May 5, 2019

Elsie Eaves was one of the first female civil engineers and is celebrated as a role model for future engineers.

Happy Birthday, Carl Friedrich Gauss

April 30, 2019

Gauss’ perfectionism in the field of mathematics paid off: Today, there is a statistical distribution curve and entire electromagnetics unit system named in his honor.

Happy Birthday, Max Planck

April 23, 2019

When Max Planck was young, a teacher told him that there was nothing left to discover in the world of physics. Fortunately for us, and the field of quantum mechanics, Planck had other plans…

Happy Birthday, Charles Proteus Steinmetz

April 9, 2019

Today’s engineering students benefit from Steinmetz’s work on alternating currents and magnetism. How much do you know about the man behind the law of hysteresis?

A Calculated Victory: Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck Wins 2019 Abel Prize

March 29, 2019

What inspires you about Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck, the 2019 Abel Prize Laureate and first woman to win the award? Learn about her career and research as well as the history of the Abel Prize.

Happy Birthday, Emmy Noether

March 23, 2019

During a time when women were not welcome in STEM fields, Emmy Noether made many significant contributions to modern mathematics, including abstract algebra and an invariant theorem.

Happy Birthday, Sir William Henry Perkin

March 12, 2019

This chemist went from studying at the Royal College of Chemistry and researching malaria treatment to synthesizing the first synthetic dye and running a dye shop and manufacturing plant…

Happy Birthday, Ida Noddack

February 25, 2019

Ida Noddack was one of the “element hunters” trying to fill the gaps in Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table. In the process, she codiscovered rhenium, but that’s not all she’s known for…