Today in Science Blog Posts

Happy Birthday, Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis
Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis’s research into mechanical systems has had far-reaching effects. In fact, the Coriolis effect is used to describe the rotation of Earth, which can be observed from space.

Happy Birthday, Inge Lehmann
Inge Lehmann was a Danish geophysicist and seismologist who used seismic waves generated by earthquakes to answer the age-old question: What’s really at the center of the earth?

Happy Birthday, Jean-Charles de Borda
Jean-Charles de Borda traveled the seas in the French military before making strides in the fields of fluid mechanics, geodesy, navigation, and more.

Happy Birthday, Claude Shannon
Claude Shannon ushered in a new age of communications technology, contributing ideas about testing digital circuits, coding messages in binary, and programming artificial intelligence.

Happy Birthday, Leonhard Euler
His last name is pronounced “oiler” and he is considered one of the greatest mathematical scientists of all time. Learn about the life and work of Leonhard Euler.

Coastal Erosion Uncovers Buried Tracks from Throughout History
In 2018, a series of winter storms caused severe erosion along a U.S. coastline, uncovering footprints and horse-and-buggy tracks from centuries earlier.

Happy Birthday, Pierre-Simon Laplace
Pierre-Simon Laplace contributed to celestial mechanics and helped develop an equation for pressure across a curved surface. He also had his demons. The Laplace demon thought experiment, that is.

Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, Nobel prize winner and “Person of the Century”, is known for developing the special and general theories of relativity and the law of the photoelectric effect.