Learn how to build custom simulation apps based on your models in our new, 8-part Learning Center course, which provides an overview of the Application Builder, part of the core package of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. No programming experience is required as we take you on a self-guided introduction to building and customizing your first simulation app. After completing the course, you can quickly start developing simple apps of your own models.
Get an overview of the course below and then start the course by clicking the button at the bottom of this blog post.
Workspace and Workflow
The Application Builder provides an intuitive, easy-to-use, and interactive tool for developing your simulation apps, regardless of the level of customization. Part 1 of the course begins with a quick step-by-step demonstration using the Application Builder and COMSOL Compiler™, an add-on product, to build, test, and then compile a simulation app for distribution. In Part 2 we show you the multiple built-in layout templates available in the software, and recommend how to use them to quickly get started on your app development. From there, we show numerous ways you can edit an app within the Application Builder.
Highlights from Various Parts of the Course
Structure and Design
Throughout the course, you will continue to build upon the simulation app developed in Part 2, making changes to the design and structure. You will learn how to prompt users with a custom error message when they enter invalid data into a field. We will also show you how to make the many Model Builder settings accessible to your users. For example, in the course we demonstrate how to enable a user to access different mesh density levels for the model geometry.
Additional Highlights from the Course
Customizing Simulation Apps
In addition, we explore how to expand and customize the functionality of your simulation apps through command sequences and methods, providing you with countless levels of customization. You will learn firsthand how to implement custom app operation using these tools in the Application Builder, and see how it is possible to do so without any knowledge of coding. We also give an overview of the settings and capabilities contained in the application tree nodes and highlight the extensive help resources and documentation available to you when working with the Application Builder.
The cumulative design of the simulation app developed and built through Part 7 in the course. A user can choose between using a coarser or finer mesh for the geometry by choosing to use a low or high fidelity model, respectively. A sound will play when the model finishes computing.
Try It Yourself
Click the button below to start the course, which includes MPH-files and videos, and begin leveraging the speed and flexibility of simulation apps in your organization.
Stay tuned as new parts are added to the course detailing even more ways to create custom apps with the Application Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics®.
Further Reading
Want to see real-world examples of simulation apps being built and used in a variety of fields? Check out these stories:
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