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Happy Birthday, Carl Friedrich Gauss

April 30, 2019

Gauss’ perfectionism in the field of mathematics paid off: Today, there is a statistical distribution curve and entire electromagnetics unit system named in his honor.

Evaluating the Electrode Utilization of a Lithium-Ion Battery Pouch Cell

April 11, 2019

Large-format batteries are found in energy storage systems; electric, hybrid, and plug-in cars; unmanned vehicles; light-rail trains; and more. We discuss modeling a component of these batteries.

Digital Twins and Model-Based Battery Design

February 20, 2019

By combining high-fidelity multiphysics models with lightweight models and measured data, engineers can create digital twins to understand, predict, optimize, and control real-world systems.

Digital Twins: Not Just Hype

February 19, 2019

The term “digital twin” has been called everything from just hype to a revolutionary concept. We use a jet engine example to explain the concept of digital twins and how simulation fits in.

Keynote Video: EPFL Uses Simulation to Design a Hyperloop Pod

January 22, 2019

The EPFLoop team used multiphysics simulation to design the aeroshell, pressure vessel, and braking system of their hyperloop pod for the SpaceX 2018 competition. Get an inside look here.

Studying Presbyopia with an Optomechanical Model of the Human Eye

October 24, 2018

You have to see this multiphysics simulation research: To help combat the effects of presbyopia in aging eyes, Kejako built a 3D optomechanical model of a full human eye.

Image Denoising and Other Multidimensional Variational Problems

September 21, 2018

Learn how to solve variational problems featuring multiple dimensions, higher-order derivatives, and multiple unknowns with a fun example: image denoising in a grainy photograph.

Methods for Dealing with Numerical Issues in Constraint Enforcement

September 11, 2018

This post is helpful if you use equation-based modeling: Learn a variety of different methods for dealing with numerical issues when enforcing constraints in variational problems.