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How to Make Boundary Conditions Conditional in Your Simulation
In some modeling scenarios, you may want to apply a boundary condition to only part of the geometrical boundary or only under certain conditions. Learn how to do so here.

How to Model Solar Concentrators with the Ray Optics Module
Learn how to predict the concentration ratio for an idealized, parabolic solar reflector using Monte Carlo ray tracing in the Ray Optics Module, an add-on to COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Thermal Modeling of the Air Flow Inside and Around Your House
Learn step by step how to set up a thermal model of the airflow in and around a house, including how to implement tabulated meteorological data from the historical ASHRAE database.

Designing Reliable and Efficient CDRA Systems with Simulation
Read about how a team from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center used COMSOL Multiphysics® to design a carbon dioxide removal assembly (CDRA).

Using the New Ray Tracing Algorithm in COMSOL Multiphysics® 5.2a
The ability to trace rays in unmeshed domains, and even release and trace rays outside a geometry, has been available in the Ray Optics Module as of COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.2a. Learn more.

User Feedback Powers COMSOL Multiphysics® Version 5.2a
The release of COMSOL Multiphysics® software and COMSOL Server™ product version 5.2a includes new features and functionality based on feedback from our users. Get an overview.

AltaSim Uses Simulation to Improve Bolometer Sensitivity
Bolometers can be used to detect and measure the power of incident electromagnetic radiation. To efficiently design bolometers with increased sensitivity, AltaSim Technologies used simulation.

Part 2: Model a Linear Electromagnetic Plunger with a Blocker
Learn how to model a linear electromagnetic plunger with an actuator that includes a blocker/stopper to restrict linear motion. Part 2 of a blog series on modeling electromagnetic devices.