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Happy Birthday, Leonhard Euler

April 15, 2018

His last name is pronounced “oiler” and he is considered one of the greatest mathematical scientists of all time. Learn about the life and work of Leonhard Euler.

Finding Answers to the Tuning Fork Mystery with Simulation

April 13, 2018

If you strike a tuning fork and hold it against a tabletop, the peak frequency of the emitted sound doubles. Is there a physical explanation for this “tuning fork mystery”?

How to Use the Parameter Estimation Study Step for Inverse Modeling

March 29, 2018

This blog post includes a tutorial video. Watch it to learn the steps for performing a parameter estimation study for inverse modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics®.

Advancing Additive Manufacturing with Sequential Simulations

March 7, 2018

In some ways, additive manufacturing is like sewing or weaving. We talk to a professor of additive manufacturing about how sequential simulations can be used to analyze and optimize the process.

Modeling the Flow of Ice in COMSOL Multiphysics®

February 8, 2018

The dynamics of glaciers are a complex (and “cool”) subject to study. One method is by using fluid flow simulation to analyze the flow of ice, from accumulation to ablation.

Modeling Ferromagnetic Materials in COMSOL Multiphysics®

January 23, 2018

Get a comprehensive guide to modeling ferromagnetic materials in COMSOL Multiphysics®, including an introduction to the theory and a series of useful animations.

Keynote Video: Using COMSOL Server™ for Product Development

December 18, 2017

Watch an engineer in the materials science industry discuss the use of simulation applications and COMSOL Server™ to accelerate and optimize his company’s product development workflow.

How to Model Optical Anisotropic Media with COMSOL Multiphysics®

December 4, 2017

Erasmus Bartholinus first observed the optical effect of birefringence in 1669. Today, you can observe this effect with a specialized modeling approach for optical anisotropic media.