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Optimizing the Power of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester

October 2, 2015

When it comes to a piezoelectric energy harvester, the design configuration should maximize the level of power transfer. How can simulation be used to improve the design of an energy harvester?

A Thermoviscous Analysis of Acoustic Radiation Forces

October 1, 2015

Learn how to determine acoustic radiation forces, including thermoviscous and acoustophoretic effects, in the COMSOL® software.

Accessing Nonlocal Variables with Linear Extrusion Operators

September 29, 2015

In some modeling scenarios, you may need to transfer variables from one region of a computational domain (the source) to another (the destination). This can be done with an extrusion operator.

Göttingen, a University Town with a Rich Scientific History

September 25, 2015

Göttingen, Germany, has a rich scientific history and is also home to a prestigious university — the University of Göttingen — and a COMSOL office! Learn more about this impressive city…

Improving Nuclear Reactor Designs with Simulation

September 24, 2015

Take a look inside the dynamics of a nuclear reactor — and then see how you can use multiphysics simulation to improve their design.

Finding a Structure’s Best Design with Topology Optimization

September 23, 2015

Think about the first architects who designed a bridge above water. The design process likely included several trials and subsequent failures before they could safely allow people to cross the river. COMSOL Multiphysics and the Optimization Module would have helped make this process much simpler, if they had computers at the time, of course. Before we start to discuss building and optimizing bridges, let’s first identify the best design for a simple beam with the help of topology optimization.

7 Ways to Use the Application Builder and COMSOL Server™

September 22, 2015

Create apps for colleagues and customers, enhance your model, and set aside a simulation project for later use: Get details on these and 4 other ways you can use the Application Builder.

Nestlé Sweetens the Candy Production Process with Simulation

September 16, 2015

Question: How does a well-known candy company ensure that each of their signature chocolate bars has the same consistency, texture, and taste? Answer: Fluid flow simulation!

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