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How to Model Wet Chemical Etching in COMSOL Multiphysics®

November 27, 2017

Wet chemical etching was one of Rembrandt’s favorite methods for creating self-portraits. Now, it’s used by engineers to produce integrated circuits, MEMS devices, and pressure sensors.

Award-Winning Papers and Posters: COMSOL Conference 2017 Boston

October 30, 2017

The COMSOL Conference 2017 Boston featured over 100 interesting and innovative presentations from COMSOL Multiphysics® users about their current work. 6 of these projects took home awards.

Evaluating the Effect of Shell Thickness on Muffler Performance

October 3, 2017

Guest blogger Linus Fagerberg from Lightness by Design follows up a previous post with a discussion of one design consideration for the radiated sound in a muffler design: shell thickness.

Improving IFE Target Fabrication with a Droplet Microfluidics Method

September 29, 2017

A common joke is that fusion energy is 30 years away, and always will be. Researchers are using simulation to tackle the challenges involved with of inertial fusion energy target production.

Computing Porosity and Permeability in Porous Media with a Submodel

September 27, 2017

Porous materials have complex geometries and may therefore be difficult to model. Setting up a microscale submodel is a useful approach to find the porosity and permeability of the medium.

Predicting the Sound Emission of a Muffler Design via Simulation

September 14, 2017

Cars with subpar mufflers are annoyingly loud. Guest blogger Linus Fagerberg from Lightness by Design discusses a novel, simulation-based approach to predict noise generation in muffler designs.

Optimizing the Geometry of Optical Antennas with Genetic Algorithms

September 12, 2017

What does antenna design have to do with the concept of natural selection? Although it may sound far-fetched, the basic principles of natural selection can be used to optimize antenna geometries.

Pulsed Electrochemical Machining: A Multiphysics Model

September 5, 2017

Industries that manufacture metal parts are concerned with precision machining and quality of surface finish. Optimizing the pulsed electrochemical machining process can improve these factors.